woensdag 18 februari 2009

Opwindende tijden!

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Woensdag 18 februari.
Het gaat geweldig!
Annemarie is de compositie flink aan het veranderen zoals altijd. 
Fred Frumberg zegt dat ze nog nooit zulk goed geluid hebben gehad. (Kees, bedankt!)
Zoals eerder gezegd, 25 en 26 februari spelen we in de provincie. Inmiddels zijn 1 en 2 maart daarbij gekomen op een plek waar Annemarie en Nan een jaar geleden met dorpelingen hebben gepraat die heel blij zijn dat we nu ook onze beloften nakomen en ons stuk brengen.

Annemarie is naar een echte Cambodiaanse tandarts geweest, waar ze het plastic bekertje om mee te spoelen per ongeluk fijn kneep.

Hieronder een mailwisseling tussen Michelle, de journaliste van de Cambodia Daily en Youk Chhang, directeur van Documentation Centre Cambodia.

First, your opinion on the text and concept af having both Khmer Rouge and victims speak.
Youk Chhang:
The text has been a fact - not an opinion. The concept has been the reality. We basically just put them into the form of arts so that they will communicate with each other peacefully.
What are your plans for performances in the province: will one of your team go to villages and speak about the day before it, and will they lead an open discussion right after the performance?
Youk Chhang:
There will be no seminar. It is boring! We want the villagers to enjoy the play and learn from it and be pound of their own history at their own pace. we will take the play around the country as part of our outreach activity.
How important do you feel this play project and tour is for Cambodia at this time?
Youk Chhang:
It is very important because it is really Khmer and Khmer people are very artistic and they love to see the play on stage - especially in the villages.
The Khmer Rouge have killed many artists but not the artistic of the Khmer people. It is in their blood. The play will communicate well with the heart of the villagers.
Anything you would like to add?
Youk Chhang:
We need to recognize the beauty in the darkness and treasure it.

Groetjes Annemarie en Richt.

Exciting times!

(If you want to give a reaction: push the 'reacties' button at the bottom of the message.)

Wednesday February 18
It's going great!
Annemarie is making changes in the composition as she always does in the last week. Fred Frumberg says that they never had this quality of sound here. (Thank you Kees!)
As mentioned before we'll play February 25 and 26 in the province.
Half an hour ago we also managed to perform on March 1 and 2 in a village where Annemarie and Nan had interviews with the villagers. They are thrilled that we indeed come to play and stick to our promises.

Here under an interview between Michelle, a journalist from the Cambodia Daily and Youk Chhang, the director of Documentation Centre Cambodia (very interesting site)

First, your opinion on the text and concept of having both former Khmer Rouge and victims speak.
Youk Chhang:
The text has been a fact - not an opinion. The concept has been the reality. We basically just put them into the form of arts so that they will communicate with each other peacefully.
What are your plans for performances in the province: will one of your team go to villages and speak about the play the day before it, and will they lead an open discussion right after each performance?
Youk Chhang:
There will be no seminar. It is boring! We want the villagers to enjoy the play and learn from it and be pound of their own history at their own pace. We will take the play around the country as part of our outreach activity.
How important do you feel this play project and tour is for Cambodia at this time?
Youk Chhang:
It is very important because it is really Khmer and Khmer people are very artistic and they love to see the play on stage - especially in the villages. 
The Khmer Rouge have killed many artists but not the artistic of the Khmer people. It is in their blood. The play will communicate well with the heart of the villagers.
Anything you would like to add?
Youk Chhang:
We need to recognize the beauty in the darkness and treasure it.

Groetjes Annemarie and Richt.